We're passionate about empowering you with the tools, tips, and templates you need to skyrocket your confidence and make sharing the Gospel effortless. That's why we've curated a collection of top-quality resources – all for FREE.
Click on the resource that catches your eye, sign up, check your email, and then dig in!
Refine your call to preach Jesus for the long haul. This guide will give you permission to preach about Jesus confidently, know what to say and how to say it, and find outlets to preach. With worksheets at the end of each section, you can activate your new skills right away!
You have more to say than you know. Determine what you want to say and develop it.
5 Questions, from the life of Moses, to help you accept,
affirm, and act on your ability to become an advocate.
There is no easy way to develop your voice. It takes time, reps, and confidence. By taking the time to invest in your spirit in order to speak powerfully, we’ve provided five simple steps you can take daily to sharpen your communication of the Word of God.
The best way to ensure confidence is by getting to know God! Devotion to God and His Word will always be superior to preaching. In fact, no good preaching comes from outside of the Word of God. It is our Source, our inspiration, our living Hope. You can download this plan anytime and jump in at any place! We follow the M’cheyne bible in a year plan.
With the Echo Membership, you’ll jump straight into the deep end—learn to preach like a pro, gain access to resources and tools that will take you further in your journey, and build community with women with your same calling.
Jesus lets us in on a little secret… He never came up with His own message. He simply echoed the heart of His Father. Learn how to “say what the Father says, and how to say it” in our 5 day mini-course - Something to Say!