5 Major Lessons learned from writing 365 Devos in 2022 (& How you can confidently articulate the Word of God too) ​

Content Prep, Personal Growth, Practical Tips

I am not a writer. It gives me hives and makes me want to pull my hair out. My grammar is horrid and I put commas in all the most random places.

But, I desire to use my voice for God in whatever capacity He asks me to. So here we are, writing a blog, writing daily instagram posts, and writing devotions.

For the past 6 years God challenges me to develop my voice in a new way. In 2022, He once again asked me to do something I never thought I could do, didn’t really want to do, nor knew how to do: write a daily devotional from the Bible Reading Plan.

It was a daunting task but He was teaching me along the way just as He has every year since 2017 when he handed over my first growth assignment. Below you’ll find a quick overview of what each year’s focus has been. Followed by the 5 major lessons I learned that you can apply as well.

2017 – Started with reading Proverbs 31 OUT LOUD. 1000 times

2018 – Record a 1 minute video about a Scripture from my reading plan and post it on my insta every Thursday.

2019 – Earn a Master’s Degree in Practical Theology 

2020 – Go LIVE on Instagram for 30 days in a row (I went 68)

2021 – Invest in a v. expensive but amazing coach!

2022 – Write a devo thought a day from the Bible Reading Plan on how to use your voice

2023 –  This year, God has prompted me to learn verse mapping and to map out one verse a week from my Daily Bible Reading Plan

Each year I commit to doing what God has laid before me, the foundation of my confidence is strengthened, my ability to articulate concise thoughts expands, and my belief in the power of women’s voices multiples.



Here are the 5 Lessons I learned from writing 51,524 devotional words in 2022:

  1. Obedience is  hard.

    • There is an incomplete belief that says if God called you to it, He will equip you for it. We can tend to think that means we will already have all we need to accomplish it with ease. Oftentimes God calls us to do something we have no idea how to do and it can feel like an uphill battle to obedience. 

    • Just because God has called you to articulate His words doesn’t mean it will flow effortlessly or flow easily. But with consistent and intentional effort you can become all He made you to be.

  2. Not everything you write will come out great. 

    • This is a practice. It is not about being perfect or having amazing revelation or skills. It’s about getting in God’s word to develop your ability to clearly and concisely articulate His message. 

    • You will probably be a terrible writer until one day, after much practice, you aren’t.

  3. God really cares about His message being spread

    • Writing about ONE topic, using your voice for God, allowed me to be hyper focused on what matters to God in this area. 

    • God has a lot to say about using your voice for Him. He fully cares about His Word and who He is, being known and spread through His sons and daughters.

  4. Habits are holy

    • God asking me to write daily might as well have been someone asking me to be a professional golfer. I started off as a non-writer and in this process, I became a writer. 

    • After about 165 days it became who I was and not just what I was doing. I am still a baby baby beginner but this exercise opened my eyes to what God could help me to become. He saw something in me that I did not. 

  5. A writing limit is golden 

    • There is a 500 word writing limit within the Bible app. As you get close to that limit, a countdown pops up warning you to shut it down. It will not allow you to post the thought if you go over the limit.

    • Writing in a format that cut me off was the best training ground to become aware of my rambling and learn to edit well. Editing is the secret to any successfully articulated message.

You can apply these lessons today to become a better writer. When I first started writing these words, it would take about an hour to complete one devotional. Now I can write the first draft in a matter of minutes. 

As you practice articulating your thoughts your writing skills will improve, your intimidation will wane, and your enthusiasm will grow.

If you feel God has called you to speak, in any capacity, we want to support you via our community and training. Come learn how to grow in your confidence so you never doubt yourself again! Check out our four-day, hands on, and interactive training, The Echo Weekend.

The best way to develop your voice is to invest in your voice. Every time you invest in your own voice, your family, your community, and your world improve. I believe in your voice! This is a weekend you do not want to miss!!!



I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!