3 Vital Mindsets to Fulfill Your Purpose as a Communicator for Christ

Personal Growth

Let’s Echo is dedicated to empowering women to find and use their voices for Jesus, enduring until His return. To truly go the distance, your mindset must be strong and aligned with God’s purpose. Here are three essential mindsets that will keep you on track no matter the challenges.

Mindsets for Christian Communicators

Mindsets for Christian Communicators

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

The foundation of a successful communicator is the belief that you can grow and change. This growth mindset starts with understanding that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You can evolve into the communicator God has called you to be by intentionally working toward your goals each day.

Never let anyone label you as unchangeable. With the right mindset, you can continuously develop your communication skills, bringing you closer to fulfilling your purpose.

2. Cultivate a Purity Mindset

Purity isn’t a one-time achievement; it’s a continuous commitment. This purity mindset requires regular self-evaluation and vigilance against the enemy’s attacks. He will challenge not only your sexual purity but also your motives, tempting you with shortcuts and the desire for human approval.

To maintain this mindset, ask yourself: Why am I doing this? Who am I trying to impress? By letting the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts, you can stay on the path of righteousness and purity.

3. Adopt an Others-Focused Mindset

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and this others-focused mindset is crucial for any communicator. It’s easy to slip into self-interest, but true service to others requires constant vigilance.

Evaluate your conversations. Are they centered on yourself, or do they reflect a genuine concern for others? By focusing on the needs and dreams of others, you align yourself with Jesus’ mission and become a more effective communicator for Him.

The Echo Weekend in Dallas Texas

Join us at The Echo Weekend for an inspiring experience designed to equip you with the tools and mindsets you need to communicate for Christ confidently. Learn from seasoned speakers, connect with like-minded women, and deepen your faith as you prepare to share God’s message. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and be empowered in your calling. Register today, and let’s echo His message together!

I believe in you! Amie


I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!