6 Scary Risks I took with God in 2022 and How You can Take Risks in 2023

Personal Growth, Pioneers

The Bible is CHOCKFULL of people who believed in God and took risks with Him.. Risks are faith and faith pleases God. Risk taking looks like Peter stepping out on the water to walk toward Jesus, Rahab hiding men on her roof to save her family from being destroyed, Abigail speaking to the King on behalf of her foolish husband, Joanna financially supporting Jesus ministry, or Caleb and Joshua braving the promised land as spies to name a few well known Bible character risk takers. Risk takers hold the heart of God.

To you, risk may look like getting out of your comfort zone, trying something that seems impossible, speaking up for yourself or others, or maybe even starting a new business.

Here is a bucket full of truth you can pour over yourself when you start to get scared of risk taking: even if the outcome is failure, it produces fruit because of your faith.



Risks I took in 2022 WITH GOD:

1. Reading the Bible With Others

Risk: Start a reading plan on @youversion and risk failing to stay consistent 

How I felt: Unsure of who would join. Afraid I would start this plan and then, like other times, fail to complete it myself and look like a hypocrite. 

Outcome: Over 100 ladies joined in. I ended up writing a devotional from every day of the Bible plan in 2022 because I had girls reading with me. It was easier to model this when I knew girls were reading alongside me. 

Lesson: If you aren’t disciplined, try going out on the limb of your influence. Use the feeling of letting others down motivate you.

2.  planning the party wave

Risk: Invited women from around the US to fly to West Palm, Fl to celebrate all God has done in Echo over the last 5 years. Called it the Party Wave.

How I felt: What if no one knows what a Party Wave is or thinks it’s a dumb name? Who is going to spend all this money to come to West Palm? I have no idea where I am going to host the entire event (STRESSSSFUL). What if it’s not good enough and people feel it was a waste of time? What do I teach these women since they are all in different places in their speaking journey? 

Outcome:  We maxed it out. Even with the snowmageddon (about 25 women were snowed in due to crazy weather) women from all over came. Women were inspired to celebrate the big and the small things God is up to.

Lesson: It was nerve-racking but super worth it. Not everything was perfect (we had some serious issues with one of our vendors not setting things up on time) but the food and the ministry was great. My local pastor’s wife came and two of my three overseers were there as well. Plus tons of friends and I even made new friends too! Overall it was a great way to celebrate all God has done. We party for HIM and not for our own image. Always give yourself DOUBLE the amount of time needed to set things up.

3. Used a Hotel + upped the # of attendees of Echo Weekend

Risk: Use a location that doesn’t feel intimate where I can’t control the environment. Added 8 more slots and a new coach.

How I felt: Uneasy about hosting 32 women. I wanted so badly to keep it small so I could control it more. Striving to make it perfect. Make sure no one felt left out. Did not want the women to come and feel overwhelmed or the environment feel impersonal. 

Outcome: Having it in a hotel made it feel more legit somehow. It also forced us to shift the way we did several things. The main thing was to come up with a different way to make sure each woman felt loved, celebrated, and connected. We ended up having our coaches take their girls to dinner in small groups and have a text feed just for them. The women tell me they STILL are connected to their coaching groups which makes my LIFE.

Lesson: God is faithful and He cares about what you care about (when your heart is aligned with His, He will always make a way and even find a way to make it better when you yield to Him! The women walked away knowing they were loved and supported at the Echo Weekend.

4. Hosted a Small Group Super Last Minute

Risk: Starting a group within a week – after small groups at most churches already launched 

How I felt: Wow, this is last minute, what if everyone already has a group? Lord, you want me to invite girls I don’t even know… why would they come? Is 6 weeks too long? Too short? Do I really have time to commit to a weekly small group? Can we just get together and have fun or should I actually prepare each week to teach something? I have picked books to teach from before that were terrible and it made me feel like a crappy leader… what if this book stinks too? 

Outcome: We had 6-7 girls attend each week and my heart was refreshed. I was ministered too. I felt closer to the Lord. I walked away feeling I learned and made new friends. When God is involved, numbers do not matter. Small is BIG to God! 

Lesson: Big events are great but discipleship happens through relationships which happen easier through small groups. I met several girls whom I absolutely adore now and are still friends with. Small groups are not platforms and this is a great test of one’s motives. 

5. Got a Consultant for the business side of Echo

Risk: Being opening with the back end of my business

How I felt: I am terrible at business. I never meant to be in business anyway. He is going to think I am ridiculous because the back end of my business is a hot mess and it really overwhelms me. I am not strategic, what if I can’t do what he thinks I should do? 

Outcome: God has stretched me to the MAX in this process BUT also encouraged me greatly. Every time I meet with our consultant I feel that the direction God has is possible. 

Lesson: Echo is not mine, I simply get to steward it. God is much better at being in control than I am. If I don’t feel that what God has Echo is bigger than me then I haven’t seen His full vision yet. Having to rely on others to accomplish all God has is a sign we are on the right track. 

6. Launched these #preachergirl sweatshirts 

Risk: Spend a chunk money on merch with no idea how do it properly 

How I felt: How in the whole world do you know what designs people will like or purchase? I want the more expensive sweatshirts because the quality is better but what if the price is too high? Will any one want to wear a sweatshirt that says preacher girl on it? Oh shoot, now that people ordered, how in the world do I even ship these? Should I go through the post office? Now I have to make stickers and thank you cards too so everything is pretty and branded! 

Outcome: I lost money, made tons of mistakes, and had a blast doing it. Almost sold out of the sweatshirts!! Only had one lost in the mail and one I shipped the wrong size to. Got to see women PREACH in their sweatshirts which for some reason, I never thought of. 

Lesson: When you are starting out, it doesn’t matter if you are making money, as long as you are having fun. You are learning great lessons. As a creator, when people are encouraged by something you make, it is thrilling! Everything is figure-out-able. 

How YOU can take risks with God in 2023:

  • Don’t sit around and wait for opportunities to come knocking at your door.

    • Pray and look for things that catch your attention, even if you have no idea at all how you would do it. 

    • Be led by the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for guidance and be sensitive to His voice. A whisper. A nudge. 

    • Take initiative. God’s can not lead your steps if you refuse to move.

  • Step out and take risks WITH God. 

    • You never have to strive or force something to happen on your own

    • He will give you the ideas, resources, and backing to learn as you go and fail forward.

    • Even failing is fruitful when God is in the mix. 

  • Record your process to share with others.

    • Recording your process helps you see where you were blindsided, impatient or even successful and can help you streamline your process next time you step out.

    • Don’t be a gatekeeper. Openly share the lessons you’ve learned along the way.

    • This is what I am doing for you. When I share my process it encourages others to step out too.

Risk is reward my friend. Go for it! 

Comment below: what’s a risk you want to take with God in 2023???

If you feel God has called you to speak, in any capacity, we want to support you via our community and training. Come learn how to grow in your confidence so you never doubt yourself again! Check out our four-day, hands on, and interactive training, The Echo Weekend.

The best way to develop your voice is to invest in your voice. Every time you invest in your own voice, your family, your community, and your world improve. I believe in your voice! This is a weekend you do not want to miss!!!



I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!