The Bible is the Ultimate Guide—But Can Other Books Help?

Personal Growth

The Bible is the only book we truly need! It holds all the answers, wisdom, and truth necessary for life. So, why suggest supplementing your Bible reading with other books? Acceleration.

While the Holy Spirit can reveal all things, understanding the Bible often requires years of focused study. Supplementing with resources like Bible dictionaries, commentaries, and online tools can clarify difficult passages and offer historical insights. Always read the Bible first—other books are supplements, or bible study tools, not substitutes.

The Bible Is The Ultimate Guide-But Can Other Books Help? - Bible Study Tools

How Books Enhance Bible Reading as Bible Study Tools

  1. Mindset

To renew your mind through the Word, you must understand it. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit guides you to a book, study, or friend that provides a fresh perspective. Books that expand on Biblical truths can deepen your comprehension.

  1. Traditions

Traditions can sometimes obscure the true meaning of Scripture. For example, the Protestant Reformation emphasized sola scriptura to break free from unbiblical traditions. Understanding this helps you see the Bible in a new light.

  1. Culture

Cultural perspectives can influence how you read the Bible. Understanding the culture in which the Bible was written—such as Jewish culture—offers invaluable insights into its true meaning.

  1. Revelation

Your understanding of Scripture may be limited compared to experts who have studied specific topics for years. Reading their works can broaden your perspective and deepen your Biblical knowledge.

Note: The words of men should never supersede the Word of God. Always verify what you read or hear with Scripture. Books are a great starting place but do not replace the sufficiency of Scripture. This does not replace the sufficiency of Scripture or sola scriptura.

Here are my top 5 favorite books to read on the topic of women preaching:

  1. Powerful and Free by Danny Silk

  2. Fashioned to Reign: Empowering Women to Fulfill Their Divine Destiny by Kris Vallotton

  3. Why Not Women : A Biblical Study of Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton

  4. The Handmaidens Conspiracy: How Erroneous Bible Translations Obscured the Women’s Empowerment Movement STARTED by JESUS CHRIST by Donna Lee Howell

  5. I Suffer Not a Woman: Rethinking I Timothy 2:11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence by Richard Clark Kroeger and Catherine Clark Kroeger

Which area stands out to you? Let us know in the comments!

I believe in you! Amie


I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!