The Power of a Purified Voice: Answering God’s Call

Permission to Preach

God is always searching for those willing to be His voice. The question resounds: “Who will speak for us?” Throughout the Bible, it’s clear that your calling is intimately linked to your voice. The Holy Spirit needs more voices to declare the saving power of Jesus.

Take Isaiah as an example. We remember him as a prophet who boldly answered God’s call with, “Here I am. Send me.” But don’t overlook what happened before he could answer that call—a divine cleansing that only God could provide.

The Power of a Purified Voice - Answering God's Call with a Purified Heart

The Spiritual Cleansing Before the Calling

If you feel called to speak for God, prepare for a season of purging that might seem overwhelming. But pay attention to the process, as Isaiah 6:6–7 offers profound insight:

Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.”

Fire symbolizes purification. Before Isaiah could speak for God, his heart and words had to be spiritually cleansed.

Purify Your Heart for Powerful Speech

You cannot purify yourself. Sit with God and ask Him to touch your lips with His cleansing fire, removing any sin that might hinder His words through you. Only then can you respond to His call with a resounding “Yes!”

When God calls, He purifies. The process may be intense, but the result is a powerful, purified voice that carries His message to the world.

The Echo Weekend in Dallas Texas

Join us at The Echo Weekend, where you’ll experience the life-changing power of a purified voice. This weekend is designed to help you align your heart with God’s purpose and discover the strength that comes from a purified spirit. Don’t miss this chance to say “Yes!” to God’s call and step into your destiny with a voice that resonates with His power. Register today and start your journey toward a powerful and impactful life.

I believe in you! Amie


I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!