How to Know If God Has Commissioned You to Preach

Permission to Preach

Have you ever found yourself questioning your purpose? Wondering what exactly God has called you to do? If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone. We’ve all had those moments of second-guessing the “knowing” we have about our divine mission. I know I have!

I always knew I would dedicate my life to serving Jesus, but I never imagined stepping into the role of a speaker, let alone a speaking coach. My journey began at Louisiana State University, where I pursued a degree in Interior Design. I never pictured myself standing on stages across the U.S., confidently proclaiming the Gospel to thousands or training women worldwide to do the same.

But that’s the thing about surrendering your life to Jesus—He takes you on a wild ride! What I do know for certain is that God has commissioned me to train up women communicators for His glory. When you have that deep, unshakable knowing in your heart of what God has called you to do, nothing can stop you!

How to Know if God Has Commissioned You to Preach

What Does It Mean to Be Commissioned by God?

Being commissioned means stepping out with a specific purpose. But how can you know for sure that God is the one sending you? Let’s dive into Scripture for some clues.

Paul, a key figure in the Bible, experienced a radical transformation that sheds light on what it means to receive a commission from God. Before rising as one of the most influential apostles, Paul fiercely opposed Christians, living as a blasphemer and persecutor. His encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus marked a turning point.

In Acts 26:15-18, Jesus said to Paul, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. Now, get to your feet! For I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and witness… I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes so they may turn from darkness to light.”

Three Signs God Has Commissioned You to Preach

  1. He Tells You What to Do.
    Jesus gives clear directions. When He shows up, He doesn’t just leave you hanging. Just like He told Paul to “get to your feet” and become a servant and witness, He’ll make your purpose clear, too.
  2. He Tells You What to Say.
    Jesus instructed Paul to share what he had seen and what he would be shown in the future. When God commissions you, you’ll know exactly what message to deliver.
  3. He Tells You Who to Serve.
    Paul was called to serve the Gentiles. Similarly, God will reveal exactly who you’re meant to serve in your mission.

The Great Commission

This pattern is echoed in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16-20. Jesus tells us what to do (make disciples), what to say (teach them to obey His commands), and who to serve (go into the world).

If you’re still uncertain whether God has commissioned you, it might be time for a deeper encounter with Him. Ask Him to reveal your purpose—what He wants you to do, say and who He wants you to serve. When He does, no one will be able to convince you otherwise!

The Echo Weekend in Dallas Texas

Ready to dive deeper into your calling? Join us at Echo Weekend—a transformative experience where we explore these questions together and equip you to fulfill your God-given purpose!

I believe in you! Amie


I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!