God CRAVES conversation with you!

Practical Tips

Jesus told us very clearly that He only says what He hears His Father say! That is a major clue to those of us who desire to speak for God. If we can not hear Him, then we will have nothing to say for Him. The Good News is, He is constantly speaking. He is a speaking God, when he breathes out, He is breathing out LIFE.

If we simply attune our ears to wisdom, we can hear Him daily as He leads us to a glorious destiny. A few years back, I was wanting to hear God more clearly. Someone sent me a book called, “Whisper,” by Mark Batterson. Although I had never heard of the book or its author, I quickly became a HUGE fan of this book! Mark made it incredibly easy to read and understand. I could not read this book fast enough. EVERYTHING is underlined, starred, or circled, with notes galore. It lives as one of my TOP 5 books ever read.

You ARE hearing God, you may just not be able to recognize it is Him speaking!



7 Ways God Speaks!

  1. Scripture

    • How have you stepped out this year? Who have you preached to? How did your prep time go? How many people did you lead to Christ this year? 

    • Accept the fact that you may be terrible at first. 

    • The more reps you get in the better. Look at each time you get to speak as ONE step in your overall speaking journey.

  2. Desires

    • Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

    • God speaks through our tears – tears of sadness and tears of joy. tears are clues that help us identifiesGod-ordained desires.

  3. Doors

    • See I have placed before you an open door.

    • Jesus is in the business of opening impossible doors and leading us to impossible places.

  4. Dreams

    • And these are but the outer fringe on his works: how faint the whisper we hear of Him. Job 26:14

    • There is no dialect that God speaks more fluently or frequently in scripture. Whether it’s dreamed by night or dreamy day, god is the Dream Giver.

  5. People

    • We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. Hebrews 12:1

    • Yes, God can speak through a donkey, but more often than not, he uses people.

  6. Promptings

    • Whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying “This is the way, walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

    • Discerning the voice of God requires an internal clock that perceives his promptings. It’s a difficult feeling to describe, but it’s a sixth sense that God is getting you ready for something or someplace.

  7. Pain

    • At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One. Job 6:10

    • nothing gets our full attention like pain. Perhaps God is saying something that can not be heard any other way.


I didn't come from a ministry background, but when I married my husband in 2010 with an Interior Design degree from LSU and no seminary training, he welcomed me into the ministry. In 2012, a prophetic couple told me that I had the anointing of Lydia, and God wanted to use it to funnel millions through the Kingdom by starting online courses and classes. At this time, I had NO dream or even thought of Let’s Echo, but I received the word from the Lord. 

Today, I'm witnessing that prophetic word coming true. You are a prophetic word fulfilled and a dream come true! 

The Preacher Girl Club empowers women to use their voice for Jesus through our online coaching community, practical courses, and leadership resources. Our members collaborate, speak at each other's events, write content together, and start ministries side by side.

If I can preach, so can you! 

Meet your biggest hype girl, Amie, Founder of Let’s Echo!